Psychologist's advice on the secrets of a happy family


Psychologist's advice on the secrets of a happy family.

Family psychologist's advice to women and men on creating a happy family: "first you need to rise to the level of love yourself, and then you need to choose a partner very responsibly." So that a family without love does not become a prison over time.

More about the secrets of a happy family and household

Illusion from the Internet "You won't be able to hold her back... your prison will only intensify the desire to escape.... She will leave, and you will not be able to do anything...."

Advice from a great psychologist of antiquity to young men and women about the secrets of family happiness: "At first, newlyweds should especially beware of disagreements and fights, looking at how recently glued pots easily crumble from the slightest push; but later, when the places of fastening become strong, neither fire nor iron can take them." Plutarch

To create a happy and comfortable environment, you need to study the advice of psychologists on the successful choice of a husband, wife, friend. A husband or wife should ideally be a friend, life partner, like-minded person and lover at the same time. For a successful choice, you need to take into account the spiritual level of the partner, his "class" group, temperament.

The most important parameter for creating a happy family and household is the spiritual level of development of the husband and wife. When creating a family, the newlyweds make a promise of honesty, trust, respect and love. If young people have developed such qualities as "respect" and especially "love", then even contradictions in character qualities will be smoothed out and the characters themselves will change for the better. But, if one, for example, has reached the level of "love", and the other is ready to show only "honesty" without developing higher qualities, then this will not be enough for a long time. In this post, the concept of "family and household" is used. Very often, a family consists not only of a husband and children, but also relatives. Therefore, their influence must also be taken into account. For example, a loving grandmother or grandfather may allow a child to do what the parents forbid.

Of course, a perfect choice is impossible. A psychologist on the secrets of creating a happy family and family: "In order to create a happy family, you need to be a "good" egoist and try to choose the best possible partner in terms of spiritual qualities of character and other characteristics." In order to make a good choice of a friend (wife, husband), there are many interesting methods and tests. It is advisable to get advice from several independent psychologist-analysts on compatibility issues. Knowing the unchanging characteristics of your partner, you will better understand your soulmate and will be able to live an interesting and harmonious life."

A happy family is eventually filled with children. If you have children, then based on an analysis of temperament and other data, a good psychologist-analyst will give advice on what qualities the child should develop and what professions may suit him. It often happens that a child simply spends his young years and a lot of his parents' money on something he will not do. Children are and develop between the extreme levels of his parents. The habits of his parents, both bad and good, turn into the vices of his children. Useful advice from a family psychologist to parents who want happiness in their family: "work on the spiritual growth of yourself and your children."