Family psychologist's advice on mutual love, friendship and respect.
Family psychologist's advice on mutual love, friendship and respect: "In order for two people to have mutual love, each of them must go through the stages of developing such spiritual qualities as honesty, trust, respect, love."
More about mutual love, friendship and respect
Once upon a time, achieving a level of love by a man and a level of respect by a woman was a necessary condition for creating a happy family. The level of true love is an independent change in character for the better and service to the family and society. Illusion of young people: "Mutual love is the most beautiful gift that life can give you... If you have found a person who loves you simply for who you are, take care of him ...". Advice from a family psychologist to women and men about creating a happy couple: "in order to create a good family, you need to try to choose the best possible partner in terms of spiritual qualities, character and other characteristics."
Mutual love requires two hearts and two energies, male and female. In order to achieve mutual love, knowledge is needed. Therefore, you need to ask a good psychologist-analyst "how to open the heart and fill it with the energy of love." And implement his advice. Advice and minimum conditions for creating a happy family based on the Sacred texts of different religions: "A wife must respect her husband, and a husband must love his wife."
The main rules, signs and components of a happy family: "Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. So let each one of you love his wife as himself; and the wife should fear her husband. (Eph. 5:28,33)". This is where problems arise. On the male side - very few young people can love like this before the age of 25. On the female side - very often we have disrespect from the husband's wife as a result of problems in raising his wife. Psychologist's advice on love and respect: "If the wife does not respect the husband, he will look for respect elsewhere (at work, with friends, with other women, in the garage, at the computer, and so on)".
Mutual love is the highest form of love that a husband and wife achieve over a long period of family life. In this phase, even the quality of sexual life changes due to the strong flow of energy. Statistics say that from two to twenty percent of married couples reach this phase of cohabitation, depending on their living conditions.
Psychologist's advice on personality development: "It takes about seven years to develop each level. A young man, provided he is properly raised, can develop to the level of love by the age of 28. To enter into a successful marriage, a girl must reach at least the beginning of the level of love. That is, she can prepare for marriage by the age of 17." If a young man or girl begins sexual life early, then there is no development of even the starting qualities, such as honesty, trust, respect. And to be precise, there is a balancing act on the verge of losing the qualities of "honesty, trust". We have to live under the same roof.
It is important to maintain a balance in the relationship between feelings of love and selfishness. Useful advice from a family psychologist for women and men about love and selfishness: "treat your neighbors with love, but do not develop selfishness in them." It is especially not worth developing selfishness in children. Psychological technologies are used to balance love and selfishness. In a family, spouses influence each other. Where there is love and respect, this happens easily, and where there is no love and respect, violence occurs. If spouses have not reached at least the level of friendship, that is, respect, then it will be impossible for them to help each other become better. It will be difficult to raise good children.